About Authors

Birthdate: 12/15/1987
Height: 163cm
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Biggest Fandoms: Hey! Say! JUMP, NEWS, Johnny's Junior
HSJ Bias: Yaotome Hikaru
NEWS Bias: Masuda Takahisa
Johnny's Junior Bias: Morimoto Shintaro

I am a 26 year old fangirl who got into this fandom over a decade ago!! It's been such a long and wonderful ride. I am originally a junior fan as I followed Yabu Kota and Yaotome Hikaru since they were cute baby kiddies. :3 It was around the year 2000 when I first started listening to Johnny's music, but I did not start being an active fan until the Ya-Ya-yah show started in 2003. Sometimes I feel like an obaachan in this fandom, but I know I will always be young at heart. As for my favorite juniors, my ultimate bias has been Morimoto Shintaro since around 2007. I swear, I have such a complex with that boy now, because he should not look like that at that age. Other juniors I adore are Iwamoto Hikaru, Kuramoto Kaoru, Hashimoto Ryo, Nakamura Reia, and Kouchi Yugo. Love my Kouchi Sensei. <3 Hope you enjoy this blog and have a great time growing as fans together.

Birthdate: 02/25/1992
Height: 160cm
Hair: Naturally black, but currently dyed brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Fandoms: Arashi, Hey! Say! JUMP, Sexy Zone, Johnny’s Jrs
Biases: Sakura Sho (Arashi), Okamoto Keito/Arioka Daiki (HSJ), Sato Shori (Sexy Zone), Kobayashi Mizuki/Kishi Yuta/Yoshizawa Shizuya/Yamashita Kazunari (Johnny’s Jrs)

Konban~~! Nice to meet everyone! I started off in this fandom back around 2007 when I was in high school when I accidentally discovered Arashi as I was searching for Meteor Garden, which was actually the Taiwanese version of Hana Yori Dango. I got interested in Arashi due to the catchy theme songs used in HanaDan, and accidentally stumbled upon their variety shows, which just had me hooked. I honestly didn’t think I would be in this fandom for this long, as all my past fandoms have been really short-lived and I got bored easily. In 2010, after I graduated from high school, I somehow got into Hey! Say! JUMP out of nowhere. 2011 was the first year when I got to see a fresh group debut, and that was Sexy Zone. I decided to just watch over them casually at first, but I ended up becoming a fan. Because Hey! Say! JUMP and Sexy Zone work so closely with the Jrs, I started to become more interested in the Jrs. I began watching Johnny’s Jr. Land, which sadly, is coming to an end, but my love for the Jrs are still ever growing. I hope to be able to share all my Jr flailings/thoughts/information here on this blog along with Rory. Yoroshiku~~!

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