Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jr Vlog #1

yaho~~! konbannu~~! it's Carmen, and i have made a vlog introducing myself once again, and introducing my top 3 favorite Jrs: Kishi Yuta, Yoshizawa Shizuya, and Kobayashi Mizuki.

Rory and i haven't forgotten about this blog lol, we're just both busy with school and work, but since i had time to have the house all to myself today, i took the time to record something. it's my first time, and it took a lot of courage to start speaking, so i was really awkward, and also the editing in this video isn't the best either ^^; but it got kind of fun as i started to just keep talking. sorry about the bad lighting and the low audio, but it was my first time, so you should be able to hear if you just turn up your volume higher xD hopefully next time i'll be able to make it better.

if you guys have any suggestions or any requests for Jrs that you want us to feature, we'll try to make vlogs or blog posts featuring that Jr as well! :D if you have any other ideas for what you would like us to talk about, please tell us as well! anyway, on with the video~!