Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jr Vlog #7: SC 2014.03.12 "Watashi no Okite" + Jr Teranishi Takuto

so sorry for neglecting this blog ;__; just so busy, but anyway, i made a new vlog today so hope this will make up for it!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Vlog: Magazine Wink Up /march 2014

hello there~~! been neglecting this page too much orz, but Rory and I are both pretty busy with life. here's just a vlog that i decided to film today :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Shokura 2014.02.12 Review :)

cross-posted from my LJ, just my thoughts on this episode of Shounen Club, and also because Rory says she has been missing my reviews, so here it is haha~~

hello, konbannu~~! it's been a long time since i've written a Shokura review, and since i didn't feel like filming and editing a vlog for this time, i'm going to write one haha. there's an advantage to this i guess, since i will talk about all the performances instead of just one or two xD i might not go through all the talk parts though haha. anyway, let's get to it! :D

the theme for this week's episode is "Love," very fitting, since it's the week of Valentine's Day :D the opening medley starts off with Sexy Zone singing "Lady Diamond," which i haven't heard in a while, and it's so cute xD they changed the pants to the costume though haha, cuz the ones they had before were cropped and their socks showed. guess it's cuz MariSou grew taller haha, so they just changed the pants for all of them xD next up was A.B.C-Z with "Zutto Love". i spotted Mizuki~~! :D full of energy right from the very start as usual haha. it's kind of nice to see Mizuki closer to the center these days, but he's still often in the back would be nice if he could be up front, maybe even mirroring with Tera, because i think the two of them would make a great dance combi. and speaking of Tera, can i just mention how good he looks with his hair shorter right now? :D and then Yabu-kun and Yuto comes out to sing "Romeo and Juliet," and it's still such a cute song!! and the chibi Jrs, omg, so adorbs!! and Tani~~!! jfkadjfa; he was there in the back xD i think he was mirrored with Kaihou, which i found interesting, since he's usually paired with Kuri-chan. come to think of it, we haven't really been seeing Kuri-chan around D: but Rinne was center in the back!! and then Shunei was paired with Muraki, which was interesting...i'm still wondering if Katsuki had quit :( i really loved him, and he was just so hilarious with Muraki, they were the most awkward mirror combi ever and never failed to crack me up. glad to see Shunei getting a bit more spotlight though.

next medley was a Jr. medley, and that was a lot of fun~~! Genki lead V6's "Ai Nanda," and holy crap, i barely recognized Kaoru there! he suddenly looks so grown up!! Genki is so cute though omg <3 and yay! Fuu was getting some more camera time!! then the next group of Jrs came out with "Love You Only," and i think i started to love this song a lot because of Playzone xD it was a really good performance, and i'm sooo proud of Manaya!! he's joined not long ago, but i can tell he's trying really hard. it was a really interesting grouping of Jrs though. glad to see that Kaihou is back in action again, and Tani too~~!! omg, was there even a time when he was one of the main Jrs on stage? he got to be one of the mains in that song, singing AND dancing, omg so happy~~!! and he's still such a handsome baby <3 he really shines on stage :D he's so tall though lol, towers over everyone xD but then Kaihou has also grown super tall too. he was still a chibi Jr when i first saw him on Jr. Land!! they grow so fast!! next, Reia, Yusei, and Takahashi Kaito performs KisuMai's "Ai no Beat," and of course, Reia and Yusei bring out their skating equipment to show off. to be honest, Reia doesn't really do a lot of tricks on stage, but i love Yusei's rollerskating. he's so adorbs, is he really in high school? xD although his skateboarding wasn't too impressive to me, i have to say i think Reia really owned the singing and dancing in this performace, and his appeal on the camera was really good. no longer a pretty princess anymore xD and Fuu's headspin~~!! it's been too long since we last saw him do that haha.

talk with Sexy Zone, and they show pictures of things that they love right now. i found it really cute that Sou bought a stuffed capybara because he thought it looks like himself and he sleeps with it. and Marius would be the very first one to say that it's cute xD and i'm sure he meant that Sou was cute for sleeping with a stuffed capybara lol. and Sou totally reminded me of Chinen when he was like, "Cute right? I know I am." xD

Sexy Zone then performs "We Gotta Go" from their new album, and although the costumes were different, camera time was pretty even, and no one was treated like a back dancer, so yay for that :D however, it would've been better if MariSou could get some solo parts to sing. those costumes reminded me of space rangers or something though lol. but i love this song, and it was a nice performance <3

next was the Kansai segment, and Hama-chan and Akito performed some card magic for us. i saw the trick that Hama-chan did before, i think Nino did it before on one of Arashi's shows, but Nino did it in a way that made it more exciting xD i guess it's all about the way you present the trick haha. but it was funny that they used Kanjani8 cards to do the tricks xD and i know KinKan didn't do anything for Kanjani Tsuushin this time, but i was just staring at Hirano Sho whenever he was in the frame lol, he's so cute and handsome!!

next was A.B.C-Z's performance of ~5 Stars~ and i think it might have been filmed in Osaka, since a bunch of Kansai Jrs appeared. i didn't know any of the kids in purple lol. why aren't they ever introduced anywhere? i don't know any of the fresh Kansai Jrs lol. and Sho lol, i don't know why, he still gives off an airhead vibe even as he's dancing on stage, it's so cute lol. and it was nice to see Bunichi there! too bad Ryuta wasn't with them also.

after that was the performance of "Mirai no Saiden," which was a song that they apparently performed in this year's Johnny's World. i was flipping out when i heard Kauan and Kishi-kun singing solo parts!! Kishi-kun wins it all for me, fdjka;adj i LOVE his singing voice!~ it just sounds really different from his talking voice, but it's soooo beautiful!! and Kauan, i think his voice is just really suiting for musicals xD and it's been a while since we've seen Kauan on Shokura, so good to see him :D

skipping over Shokura Yuubin and Ebi's performance of Vanilla, don't have much to say about it haha, except FumaKen skinship is love <3 xD

after that, they had a select group of Jrs come out and say lines to confess their love, except they didn't make up the lines, it was given to them, and O.M.G. Genki's was just too precious~~!! he had to confess to a teacher, and i saw gifs of it, and in the gifs, he looked totally comfortable with saying it, but when i actually saw it, oh my gosh, it was so cute! he sounded so nervous, but that adorable smile didn't disappear, and ah, it was too cute!! Yasui-kun looks sooo good in his black hair though <33 and i totally didn't even think about how Jesse and Genki are the same age, until they mentioned it. totally trips me up, and i always forget that. they were asking how Jesse can be so sexy even though he's the same age as Genki and Shori lol. i think i might wanna sub this segment haha, it was too good xD

next was another Jr. medley, and Kyomocchan performed a song that he wrote, called "Tears." it's just the most pretty but sad song ever. and gosh, he just looked so pretty singing it too. i hope one day he can debut and release this on CD, because it's soooo nice!! then Yasui-kun and Masuda Ryo performed "Inori," one of my favorite KisuMai songs ever :D and they did a pretty nice rendition of it too. and i have to say, lately, i have been finding Yasui-kun to be pretty darn sexy lol. i don't know why he just is. up until now, i thought he looked young for his age (he still does actually xD), but now he has a manlier air around him.

Jr. ni Q, i might sub this too, so i'm going to not go too deep into it, but i have to say that Takahashi Kaito is growing on me. he really is adorable xD and Ippei, omg, i was thrown off with how grown-up and manly his voice sounds lol. but dang that kid has put on a lot of muscle!

the three members of Johnny's West performs next, and i was happy to see that Mizuki was in the front for this performance :D and i love the song "Ee janai ka" haha, because for songs like this, Mizuki always has way more energy than usual and he jumps around so much, it's so fun to watch xD

the show ends with "Ai no Katamari" and omg they all looked so good in those outfits!! Juri looked so skinny though ;__; someone go stuff him with hamburgers please!! and Kouchi-sensei *whistles* oh my goodness, so handsome lol. and once again, Mizuki was in this performance again, and he was quite close to the center so it was really easy to find him :D i loved how his expression was just kakkoii as he was performing the song, but then as soon as it was over and they waved goodbye, he switched to cute face again xD

and then the omake again with Shori and Jesse was cute since Shori made Jesse say the line that he said in the filming haha, and that's where you can see that Jesse is actually a super cute dork and not the cool sexy beast that everyone thinks he is lol. still throws me off to think that the two of them are the same age, because no matter how i look at it, Shori looks like the younger one there xD and also cuz Jesse is a giant lol.

this month's performances were quite nice, and i can't wait for next month's! :D

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Vlog: Mini magazine haul(?)-Myojo March 2014 + Wink Up Nov. 2013

bought some magazines yesterday at Kinokuniya when i went to get a textbook for my Japanese class, and decided to talk about it and flip through it with everyone xD also sort of talked about some Jrs while i was at it, but the main point of this was just to flail about the photos xD




Monday, January 27, 2014

Vlog: Fandom Heart to Heart: Rant on Sexy Zone

did a new vlog! this time, it's not related to the Jrs, but who said we had to restrict ourselves? :) anyway, just did this on the spur of the moment after having a conversation with Rory and friends on facebook about this really unfair split among Sexy Zone.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Jr. Vlog #5: Yoshizawa Shizuya

yaho~~! new Jr. vlog, and this time the main featured Jr is Yoshizawa Shizuya of Travis Japan :D please give Shizuya and Travis Japan lots of love, you guys :3 i will probably feature the rest of the TraJa members some time in the future, but for now, since Shizuya is my favorite, i talked all about him in this video xD

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Double new Jr. Vlogs

i forgot to post the the third vlog here last time haha, so i'm gonna post that along with the new one that i just uploaded today :) the first one, Jr. Vlog #3 talks about the performance of Swan Song by Matsuku and GenGen from the most recent episode of Shokura, and i also talked a bit about Tani :D i talked more about the Jrs than the performance haha, so don't worry, these aren't going to be redundant even if you've already read Rory's review :)
the second one is a bit lengthy since i introduced like 13 Jrs without realizing it haha, but i talked about the Earth Medley from the same episode. i talked about the 4 current members of Sexy Boyz: Iwahashi Genki, Jinguji Yuta, Miyachika Kaito, and Kishi Yuta. i also talked about some of the other Jrs that backdanced for them, and so i ended up talking about a lot of the Jrs, and i didn't even introduce everyone haha. but anyway, here is the newest vlog :D

Shounen Club Review January 8th 2014

Well it's the start of the new year, and with this new new year I would like to start it off with doing bi-monthly Shokura reviews. The first episode this month was on January 8th.

It starts out with Jesse and Matsumura Hokuto introducing the program. And can I say, I have never heard Jesse speak such horrible English before. I know he can speak pretty clear English so I don't know what's up with that. They start out singing Let's Go To Earth and then are later joined by other juniors like noon boyz, Shintaro, Yugo,Yasui, etc. Then ABC-Z and Sexy Zone follow to perform the song. It's a pretty great performance, full of energy. Everyone was looking good and the dancing was very in sync. As much as I've heard the song, I loved this performance. Tho, those pink costumes of Sexy Zone just have to go. I'm bored with them.

Then during the MC they introduced the theme as Earth. During this MC so many things were happening. Kikuchi Fuma has been really touchy feely with Yuto lately and I squealed a bit when he wrappedhis arm around Yuto's side there. Anyways, there was a bunch of random English words spoken by Marius and Kento. It was amusing. And Yabu being all over Tottsu was just amazing. I love how those two are so close. And also, Nakajima Yuto started growing taller again after so many years of not growing...How is that fair? He is very noticeably taller than Yabu now. And his brown hair is throwing me off a little bit.

Next was the first jr medley. Iwahashi Genki started it off with perfoming Marui Chikara. Ippei, Fuu, Matsukura Kaito, and GenGen were his backdancers/singers. And we had the chibikos in the background helping with the song. Although, some like, Tamamoto Fumito, Inoue Mizuki, and Hashimoto Ryo are almost graduating from being chibikos. Those babies are getting big. Next was Jinguji Yuta performing SMAP's Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana. TANIMURA STICKS OUT OKAY!!! Him and his tallness. 179cm...even tho Carmen and I thought he was over 180cm already. Gosh, still 15 years old. Then Miyachika Kaito comes out with Music for the people. Kuramoto Kaoru (Kuramocchi) isn't looking so mochi anymore even in this recording. That kid is growing like a weed and he's starting to look stretched. Alarming!! Oh Amu hi there, I see you. Then Kishi Yuta came out with Nakamura Reia, Kakuta Yusei, and that other Kaito with the unique voice. XD Yusei really caught my attention with his brown hair in this one. And during the song they were joined by Genki and Jin-chan. Then they did Beat Your Heart.

Next was the talk with Sexy Zone. I don't understand Japanese as well as Carmen does so I will just talk about things and ramble on. Sou was the first to speak yay!! Holy crap tho. MariSou are growing up really fast...but Sou is actually starting to look older than his age which is not what I expected to happen with him. Marius yes, him no.

Next was the performance of Congratulations by Sexy Zone. I really don't get why MariSou are left out again, but whatever. The song is so gorgeous. Their new album is going to be even more amazing than their first album. I'm so glad I bought it. The singing in the song is just so smooth and the choreography is very pleasing to the eye. I have had this song on repeat on my computer for the last 3 days actually. I just love it that much. And I have to say, Shori's voice is sounding better than before.

Next was Kininaru KJ with Kaneuchi. I don't really know him, but I am glad they are starting to pull out other juniors besides the ones that are normally out in front.

And then we have the Kanjuu performance of Next Stage. Although, with the new Kansai debut, Shigeoka Daiki, Nakama Junta, Kiriyama Akito, and Kotaki Nozomu are no longer juniors. This was a top notch performance as always. I always really love the Kanjuu performance because they are so intense and lively. It puts stars in my eyes. And again I want to say how happy I am that my baby Shige is getting officially debuted!!

Special guest was Uchi Hiroki. He sang with Ishigaki Daisuke and Goto Hiromi in the back. Gosh now I am missing Question?. He sang Believe My Story. I found this song to be very beautiful and I really loved Uchi's singing here.

Next is something new? Ki ni naru chikyukun??? I am gunna skip this part.

After that is ABC-Z's performance of one of their many new songs Space Beat. It's very unique and I'm kinda really loving it. Kawai announced a CD debut for the group. I wonder if they have been working on songs like this one. This sog has a very unique sound and rhythm that I'm not used to hearing. I hope there are more songs like this one.

 Nest is Shokura Yuubin with Nakajima Kento and Kikuchi Fuma. This time, they bring out Yuma. And jeez...Yuma is wearing the same shirt that Fuma was wearing in a recent photo shoot. I love how FumaKen are teasing the heck out of Yuma when they start breaking out singing Darkness. Gosh, poor Yuma, lol. Then the former jr group B.A.D. come out to join them. Yay for them debuting! Congrats!!

Next is more juniors yay! Jesse comes out to sing a Kinki Kids song. Is it me, or does he sing a lot of Kiki Kids songs?? Wah! I spy Teranishi Takuto back dancing. I have really fallen for that guy. He's so handsome!!

Then there is a VTR about Sexy Zone doing Kohaku. They go behind the scenes with Arashi and it's just really fun to see. Poor Fuma tho getting hurt during rehearsal. Although it was funny to see, I still felt bad for laughing.

And then up next is the duet between Matsuda Genta and Matsukura Kaito. Gosh, Matsuku is looking a little bit bigger and older here. I was surprised. He's finally grown a couple cm instead of being stuck at 160. I'm so proud. GenGen is looking really handsome too. As for the performance. I was more impressed with the dancing than I was with their dinging. These two are such powerful dancers. It's no wonder they always get mirrored for most performances.

Then it was the performance of We Gotta go by Sexy Zone. This is such a fun song and it makes you want to dance. It's super catchy and I love the fact that they started out performing in the audience. It made it that much more fun to watch. What caught my attention the most during this performance though, was when Sou patted Mari on the but a few times to let him know it's time to move. Most people wouldn't catch that, but even with my bad eyes I somehow managed. :3

Then Shori's omake with Nakama Junta!!! It's always cute. Janken pon again...but holy crap, is Junta trying to kill Shori? XD

Overall it was a pretty good episode. It wasn't the best but it was definitely something that kept my attention. It lacked Shintaro though....but I'm always complaining that there's not enough Shintaro so don't mind me.

Now to wait for next week's episode.


Friday, January 3, 2014

Jr. Vlog #2-SC Dec 2013 Highlights

yaho~~, i made a second vlog today~ :3 still kind of awkward and i'm still trying to get used to talking to the camera lol, but i hope in terms of noise and volume that it's much better than last time. i don't have any good cameras at home, so i recorded with my iTouch, which is like way better than my laptop's webcam xD

so this time i talked about two performances from last month's Shounen Club, which were the Yabu Kota solo medley, and Shining Star, a duet by Inoue Mizuki and Totsuka Shota. i also talk a bit about other featured Jrs in the performances, such as Teranishi Takuto, and Miyachika Kaito.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jr Vlog #1

yaho~~! konbannu~~! it's Carmen, and i have made a vlog introducing myself once again, and introducing my top 3 favorite Jrs: Kishi Yuta, Yoshizawa Shizuya, and Kobayashi Mizuki.

Rory and i haven't forgotten about this blog lol, we're just both busy with school and work, but since i had time to have the house all to myself today, i took the time to record something. it's my first time, and it took a lot of courage to start speaking, so i was really awkward, and also the editing in this video isn't the best either ^^; but it got kind of fun as i started to just keep talking. sorry about the bad lighting and the low audio, but it was my first time, so you should be able to hear if you just turn up your volume higher xD hopefully next time i'll be able to make it better.

if you guys have any suggestions or any requests for Jrs that you want us to feature, we'll try to make vlogs or blog posts featuring that Jr as well! :D if you have any other ideas for what you would like us to talk about, please tell us as well! anyway, on with the video~!